Tertiary Brand

Framptons have no ambitions to be a major brand and would never sell against their major branded partners.

Therefore Framptons have developed tertiary brands called Framptons Professional and The Wessex Oat Company for specific customers and channels. Wessex Oat is available for retailers to try new recipes and ideas in a risk free environment without the need to invest time and effort in own label origination until it is proven.

Examples in 2024 will be oat coffees, oatshakes, fruit and chocolate blended drinks, and creamy oat.

Wessex Oat Is also available to Export markets looking for a British Oat product
Framptons Professional is available for foodservice and industrial channels that want a value proposition, in markets where branding is less important. Framptons professional can be used for a wholesaler to try a value price point before considering a move to own label.